Why Vinyl is a Low Maintenance Replacement Window Choice

It’s finally time to purchase replacement windows for your Orange County home. Replacement windows can provide your home with a number of benefits, but it’s important to remember that not all replacement windows are created equal. You’ll want to find a replacement window that’s not just aesthetically pleasing, but also fits your specific needs as a homeowner. One factor that often goes overlooked is the amount of upkeep and maintenance that a window requires. A homeowner will often fall in love with a set of wood windows without realizing the annual peeling, sanding, painting and staining they require. Fortunately, you don’t have to tack on a list of chores to have quality windows in your home. Vinyl windows are low maintenance windows. Let’s take a closer look as to why.

Vinyl Replacement Windows are Weather Resistant

If you’re looking for low maintenance replacement windows, the first thing you’ll want to check is how weather resistant a window is. Weather damage is one of the major reasons why windows need maintenance and repairs. Especially in cases like wood, where the replacement window tends to absorb extra moisture that can result in the frame rotting or distorting. The same goes for hotter climates where the intense sun can cause discoloration and chipping. Fortunately, vinyl replacement windows are highly weather resistant. Their PVC material won’t absorb any extra moisture and the sun takes twice as long to affect them compared to other window materials.

Vinyl Replacement Windows Come with Double (or Triple) Pane Glass

If your home currently features thin, single pane glass, then you are likely familiar with how easy they are to scratch or even shatter. The density of single pane glass simply isn’t thick enough to protect your windows, causing repairs or replacements to happen more frequently than you may like. Fortunately, vinyl replacement windows come standard with double or triple pane glass that’s both durable and low maintenance.

Vinyl Replacement Windows are Made with Long Lasting PVC Material

If the name PVC sounds familiar to you, it’s likely because it’s the same material commonly used in household pipes. PVC is an ideal material for pipes since it’s rarely affected by weather and can last twice as long as other materials. The same goes for the PVC used in vinyl replacement windows. Thanks to this long lasting, durable material, you’ll find an extensive period of time has passed before you need to go shopping for your next set of replacement windows.

If you’re looking forward to spending less time and money on maintenance, upkeep, and repairs it’s time to stop by All American Door Inc. to start shopping for your vinyl replacement windows. Our team of replacement window experts will happily introduce you to our wide selection of window options while answering any questions you have about your replacement window project. To get started on finding your new, low maintenance Orange County, CA replacement windows call (714) 680-8999 or visit our showroom floor 642 W Commonwealth Ave Ste B Fullerton, CA 92832.

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