Common Myths About Replacement Windows

There’s never been a better time to shop for replacement windows for your Anaheim home. The market is currently filled with a wide selection of materials, styles, and features, practically guaranteeing that there’s an ideal window choice for any home. Unfortunately, such vast markets typically come with their fair share of false information and if you shop for replacement windows with this information, you could find yourself bringing home less than quality windows. At All American Door Inc, it’s important to us that you love your new replacement windows for years to come. That’s why we’ve put together a list of common replacement window myths to help you separate fact from fiction.

Myth #1: When Buying Replacement Vinyl Windows, Look for the Blue Tint

This myth was originally based on fact. When vinyl replacement windows were first launched, homeowners and builders soon noticed that the windows with a slightly blue tint seemed to be a better quality and they weren’t imagining it. The blue tint was a direct result of manufacturers adding an extra chemical into the mix for enhanced insulation. Unfortunately, it didn’t take long for competing manufacturers to catch on to the trend and begin adding on their own blue “dye” to create the same look without the added benefit. If you truly want to know what a replacement window is capable of, don’t look for any colors or tricks, just check the label.

Myth #2: The More Expensive the Replacement Window the Better it’s Quality

Again, we can see where this myth may have found its origin. When it comes to some markets, like luxury cars or jewelry, the higher the price on the item, the better the quality. However, when it comes to replacement windows, this often isn’t the case. There are a number of reasons why a replacement window may be more on the expensive side including aesthetics or a current industry trend. This doesn’t mean that there aren’t plenty of affordable replacement windows that offer the same (if not more) benefits than those with the higher cost.

Myth #3: Replacement Windows Won’t Affect Your Resale Price

Take one look at recent real estate reports and you’ll find just how false this statement really is. It turns out, homes with certain replacement window materials, like vinyl, sell at a higher price than those without. In fact, some studies have shown that homeowners with replacement vinyl windows can expect up to an 80% return on the original cost of their windows once their home has sold. We recommend speaking with a real estate agent or visiting a local open house to learn which kind of replacement window is considered standard for your area.

The best way to separate fact from fiction is by getting your information directly from an expert. At All American Door Inc., our window experts have years of experience in knowing exactly what to look for to find the ideal Anaheim, CA windows replacement for any home. They can even provide you with a free consultation. To request your consultation today, call (714) 680-8999 or stop by 642 W Commonwealth Ave Ste B Fullerton, CA 92832.

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