patio doors

5 Patio Upgrades for the Summer

Upgrading your patio is an amazing way to enhance your outdoor living space. You can transform your patio into an oasis with a few simple changes. Once you’ve made some improvements, you’ll want to spend all your time outside! Whether you add patio doors or install a new roof, here are a few ways to enhance your patio.

1. Add an Insulated Patio Roof

Insulated roofing can keep your patio comfortable throughout the year and is also environmentally friendly! According to, improving insulation and weatherization and switching to energy-efficient appliances could reduce carbon pollution by 550 million metric tons before 2050. Patio roofing is also a valuable source of shade on sunny days. After you add your roof, you can enjoy your patio in any weather.

2. Put In a Fire Pit

Who says patio season has to end when temperatures drop? If you install a fire pit, you can relax on your patio even when it’s chilly outside. Your new fire pit will be perfect for entertaining or hanging out with family and friends. You can even toast marshmallows or tell stories while everyone gathers around the fire!

3. Upgrade Your Lighting

You can enjoy your patio after evening falls with better lighting. Custom lighting solutions can even add ambiance to your outdoor living space. There are many appealing lighting options available, including standing and hanging lights. You can even install lights that turn on automatically each night!

4. Put In Patio Pavers

Does your current patio look drab? You can enhance its appearance and improve its durability by installing patio pavers. Stone and clay pavers are popular, but numerous options are worth considering. Your patio will look more elegant after installing pavers!

5. Install Patio Doors

If you’re looking for ways to improve your patio, why not make it easier to get to? New patio doors offer a seamless transition between indoor and outdoor living spaces. If you install doors, you’ll have many options, including French and sliding doors. Once the installation is complete, your new patio entryway could even boost the value of your home.

You don’t have to settle for a so-so patio. Upgrades like patio doors can turn it into the perfect hangout space. Contact All American Doors today to view our extensive selection of patio door options.