Most people know replacement windows and replacement doors can help to save energy, and deliver other benefits. Many people are not aware that there are different types of replacement windows.


Vinyl replacement windows are very popular but that is not your only option. Fiberglass windows are also available and may be the best replacement windows for your home.


What Are Fiberglass Windows?


Fiberglass windows have frames made of fiberglass. Fiberglass is made with long thin strands of glass that are threaded through a resin that has been heated. This process creates a very strong frame. This material is used to create a wide range of goods including window and door frames.


Fiberglass is a very durable material that does not react to temperature changes like other materials do. It can be the ideal material for replacement doors, replacement windows, and sliding patio doors.


What Are Some of the Benefits of Fiberglass Doors?


Fullerton replacement windows made from fiberglass deliver clear benefits including:

    • They are up to 9 times stronger than vinyl window frames.


    • Fiberglass does not warp, rot, or corrode.


  • The are resistant to thermal effects which means that the windows can last longer.

These types of windows have great sound-canceling capabilities that can help to keep noise pollution outdoors where it belongs. The fiberglass dampens outdoor noise and keeps your home peaceful.

What Is the Potential Energy Savings?


Fiberglass replacement windows can help to cut back on the 30% of your home’s energy that literally flies out the window. About 500 million metric tons of carbon could be reduced with energy-efficient appliances, better weatherization (including replacement windows), and insulation.


Having replacement windows installed is a great first step in ensuring that your home is set up for complete energy efficiency. Replacement window and replacement doors that are crafted with fiberglass frames will reduce your energy costs and consumption. Make your next remodeling project a window replacement project.


What About the Cost?


It can be a higher cost to have these types of windows installed but given the fact that they will last longer, it can mean they are the best value. Connect with a window expert to learn more about your options.

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